Tuesday, August 27, 2013

{ Baby Declan }

Wooohooo!  Blog #2!  Ya, so I’m not a big blogger….I want to be, but I’m just not.  The only shoots I find  impossible not to blog are births.  A single snapshot just does not do the experience justice.  Put a bunch of images together and you have the whole story.  I love looking back at these images and reliving each birth hour by hour. Moment by moment. 
The shoot I’m posting tonight is extra special in that Kenny & Amanda are very good friends of mine.  I had the honor of photographing their first son’s birth 3 years ago.  And now I was invited back to photograph their second son’s birth.  I’ve known Kenny for over 12 years he was one of my very best friends.  But then he met Amanda….and…well, Kenny got pushed aside and Amanda and I bonded instantly.  We have the same weird twisted sense of humor (not everyone enjoys good ol’ bathroom humor like we do) ;) HA! We can be serious & supportive.  Silly & crazy.  And we can just hang out for hours while our kids play & fight like they are all siblings. 
The night Amanda went into labor we all expected Mr. Declan to be delivered in the car.  Reason being his big brother was EXTREMELY fast.  But Declan didn’t want to be like his brother….he made us wait.   And wait.   And wait.  Amanda was a champ.  No epidural (craaaazyyyy in my opinion!  But also so very admirable).  And Kenny sat by her bedside lending encouraging words & and a supportive hand.  And when asked, Kenny backed off and shut his mouth :) Together on May 5th, 2013 they brought Declan into this world.  He was a healthy 8lbs 14oz & 20” long. 

Here is Declan’s story….

Friday, March 23, 2012

{ Welcome Baby Jackson }

What an amazing AMAZING thing to be a part of. To witness a new life enter this world is beyond beautiful. It’s moving. It’s a miracle. It’s inspiring. You watch the strength and determination in a mother. The force that they put behind each push. The pure love that pours out of their eyes, their mouth and chest as they see their baby for the first time. The compassion and support from the father. They would take that pain away if they could. They would push if they could. He locks his eyes on the top of the babies head as it peeks through. It’s his first glimpse at his future. A smile spills from his mouth...to his eyes...to his heart. He’s almost here. His family is growing. In that moment I stand behind my camera trying to capture every moment; dodging doctors, nurses, pediatricians, interns & the biggest obstacle…my own tears. Just praying I don’t miss THE shot. This is beautiful. THIS. Is. Beautiful. Thank you Ashley & Jason for letting me be there. It was truly a honor.

Jackson.  Born 2.8.12 at 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long.